The Prescription- A Shocking Tail of Woe
MeCarmen Ray Ellensworth Solomon Squirrel sported the bushiest tail in the world. One day his doctor offered him a prescription JLfor antifrizzledizzle (sp?) because he thought it might make his bushy tail not so bushy anymore (C.R.E.S.S. We're going to call him Cress now.)
JFSo anyway. . . .CRESS's bushy tail became a stubby tail and all of a sudden out popped a daffodil that smelled much better than the CJbushy tail. Cress's stubby tail grew really long like a possum's tail and then he hung upside down in a tree and took a nap, while the rest of the flowers bloomed.
When he KJawoke he noticed a drunk man standing on the side of the road. The drunk man caused a ruckus, so I threw him on the ground. I felt good about it all. LAThe drunkard was stunned by my tazer. He couldn't focus as he rose up to tell me that he hadn't meant to cause a raukus.
MFSince he couldn't spell "ruckus" I stunned him again with my tazer, "Don't taze me bro!" he yelled over and over- which brings me to the moral of this story: you can't drink and play Apples to Apples. If you do, you'll end up TAZED.
Sadly, that was the last of our team stories, I hope you all got as big a kick out of them as the writers did!
Note: See this post for an explanation of how these random tales came about!
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