Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Team Stories #4

The X-File that Got Away

CJOne day I said, "I'm an adult and I need a job."

I tried to think about what to do.  I went to the grocery store and I couldn't KJremember if I brought my debit card. Darn-  I did not.  I had to drive back home to get it while my groceries were in the freezer locker.  Then I called Kirk. LAKirk said "Darn!" and trekked on to the grocery store to bail me out.  He slipped and slid on icy streets to help me, but before MFhe could say "pants on the ground," an alien flew in front of him, causing him to crash.

The alien then pulled Kirk from the vehicle and said, "Take me to your leader."  So he took the alien to meet Cindy, who said, Me"Why ya got yo' hat on sideways, green in yo mouf?  I ain't axing twice!" and yanked it's pants to the ground.

The alien turned JLon- "Pants on the ground! Pants on the Ground!  Party people, all your hands in the air.  Dance all around- pants on the ground!"  He busted a move, and break danced like he came straight out of the 80's.  JFBut instead of to the ground, his pants flew off and stuck to the ceiling, and the carousel stopped just in time to finish the ride, and all the crying two-year-olds were thrilled to pieces.

The End

Note:  See this post for an explanation of how these random tales came about!

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